Gloo Edge setup on Kubernetes

Gloo Edge setup on Kubernetes
Gloo Edge Service Mesh

Gloo Edge

Gloo Edge is a modern Kubernetes-native API Gateway that provides all of the functionality from within Kubernetes. Gloo Edge help us to solve how we manage API and Web traffic at scale across our Enterprise.

Setup Gloo Edge Open-Source in Minikube

Gloo Edge Open-Source runs in 3 different modes

  1. Run Gloo Edge in gateway mode to function as an API Gateway.
  2. Run Gloo Edge in ingress mode to act as a standard Kubernetes Ingress controller.
  3. Gloo Edge Enterprise

There are two primary ways to install the Gloo Edge in production

  1. Install Gloo Edge on Kubernetes
  2. Run Gloo Edge on a HashiCorp Nomad Cluster, using Consul for configuration and Vault for secret storage.

Kubernetes Cluster Setup & Gloo Edge Install

We are going to install Gloo Edge in Kubernetes

In this Demo, Let us install Gloo Edge in Minikube Kubernetes Cluster environmentSteps:

  1. Install Colima
  2. Install Minikube
  3. Install Gloo Edge
  4. Install Gloo Gateway
  5. Deploy sample Application
  6. Verify the Upstream for the sample Application
  7. Configure Routing
  8. Verify Virtual Service
  9. Test the Application

To Install Colima & Minikube on Mac OS


Install Gloo Edge

Run below command to install gloo control binary

$ curl -sL | sh

Export binary PATH as OS env

$ export PATH=$HOME/.gloo/bin:$PATH

Install Gloo Gateway

$ glooctl install gateway

Verify Gloo Gateway installation Status

Look at LoadBalancer is Pending..To assign LoadBalancer IP Address, Creates a network tunnel to expose services of type LoadBalancer to your local loopback IP address / localhost.

Run in separate Terminal window

$ minikube tunnel
Verify LoadBalancer
$ kubectl get svc -n gloo-system

Let us Deploy a sample Application on dev namespace

$ git clone
$ cd kubelancer-lab-sample-deployment
$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Verify the Upstream for the sample Application

$ glooctl get upstreams

Configure Route

Now we Configure Route to create traffic rules to expose the Application public Access

$ glooctl add route --path-prefix=/ --dest-name  dev-kubeapp-80 
--dest-name dev-kubeapp is the upstream

Verify Virtual Service

$ glooctl get virtualservice

Test the Application

Run http://localhost


To Uninstall sample application, Gloo Edge, Minikube and Colima

$ kubectl delete -f deployment.yaml

$ glooctl uninstall --all

$ minikube stop

$ colima stop