Contour Ingress on Minikube Kubernetes Cluster

Setting up Contour on Local kubernetes minikube

Contour Ingress on Minikube Kubernetes Cluster

​​Contour is an modern ingress controller for Kubernetes.Contour works by deploying the Envoy proxy as a reverse proxy and load balancer.

Good feature on Contour is , it supports multiple configuration APIs as meet our business need.

  • Ingress - A stable upstream API that enables basic ingress use cases.

  • HTTPProxy - Contour's Custom Resource Definition (CRD) which expands upon the functionality of the Ingress API to allow for a richer user experience as well as solve shortcomings in the original design.

  • Gateway API (beta) - A new CRD-based API managed by the Kubernetes SIG-Network community that aims to evolve Kubernetes service networking APIs in a vendor-neutral way.Let us see a simple demo, how Contour exposing Application service to Internet User access.


To setup local development environment
  1. Colima - container runtimes on macOS (and Linux)
  2. Minikube - minikube is local Kubernetes

Then, install

  1. Contour Ingress Controller, Sample Deployment workload, HTTPproxy

Install colima

Install colima on Mac
Colima Docker runtime on Mac

Install on Mac

$ brew install colima

Start colima

$ colima start


$ colima status

Install Minikube on MacOS

To run Minikube, need a Hypervisor , here we are using Docker, which is providing by Colima runtime.

Run the below commands to download binary

$ curl -LO

Run below command to get Install

$ sudo install minikube-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube

Start Minikube

$ minikube start


$ minikube status

Let's start install Contour Ingress Controller on minikube cluster (local Kubernetes cluster)

Complete Code on

Clone the Git Repo and get start.

$ git clone

Install Contour and Envoy

$ cd kubelancer-lab-minikube-ingress-contour
$ kubectl apply -f contour.yamlPlain text

Verify Deployment, DaemonSet, pods, services in projectcontour namespace

$ kubectl get deployments,pods,service,daemonset -n projectcontour

Run minikube tunnel command get Connect to LoadBalancer services of service/envoy LoadBalancer.

(Run this command in separate Terminal/Console and keep it open. Don't terminate that window.)
$ minikube tunnel

Now verify, LoadBalancer IP address should get allotted by minikube

$ kubectl get svc -n projectcontour

Let now Deploy sample Application, Which creates

  1. namespace: dev
  2. deployment: kubeapp using container image
  3. service: kubeapp
$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml 

Verify Application and Service

$ kubectl get all -n dev
Let us expose this application to internet world, localhost is using as DNS name as this is local environment.

Creating an HTTPProxy

Note: Also we can use ingress, in this demo we are using HTTPProxy which provide rich user experience on multi-tenant environments.

Before apply, let view the yaml configuration spec

bala@kubelancer demo-2 % cat contour-httpproxy.yaml
apiVersion:   # API version 
kind: HTTPProxy                    # Type of resource, here HTTPProxy
  name: kubeapp-proxy              # proxy name
  namespace: dev                   # deploying proxy on dev namesapce
  virtualhost:                     # Expose to Host, in this case localhost, use DNS for your  business 
    - conditions:                  # URL routing PATH, here root path
      - prefix: /
        - name: kubeapp            # mapped kubeapp service 
          port: 80                 # kubeapp service port number
bala@kubelancer demo-2 %    

Apply HTTPProxy

$ kubectl apply -f contour-httpproxy.yaml

List and Verify HTTPProxies

$ kubectl get httpproxy -n dev

End Result:

To view kubeapp Application:

Open browser and type http://localhost/